<em>Salarino heard that a</em> richly laden ship from Italy had been wrecked in the narrow channel which divides England and France. <em>The news was startling because Salarino thought of Antonio's ship and wished that it might not be one of his ships.</em>
Indians <u>are </u>known for their hospitality. They feel that guest is a person to be <u>honoured </u>and respected and <u>serving </u>him is a sacred duty. My mother <u>is</u> very particular about <u>keeping </u>things in their proper place, but the moment Mr. Narayan <u>arrived</u>, our guest room as well as our drawing room is in a total mess. He is very unsystematic and <u>throws </u>things here and there. As long as Mr. Narayan is in the house. our whole routine<u> is going to remain </u>upset.
Here, we need to pay attention to the tenses and voice of verbs.
The present simple tense (<em>are, throws</em>) is used to talk about habits, unchanging situations, general truths, and fixed arrangements.
The past simple tense (<em>arrived</em>) is used to talk about actions that took place and finished in the past.
The construction <em>is going to + infinitive</em><em> (is going to remain) </em>can be used for predictions based on something we can see or hear now.
Gerunds (<em>serving, keeping</em>) are nouns derived from verbs by adding -ing.
The passive voice (<em>to be honored</em>) is used when we want to emphasize the action and the object of a sentence rather than the subject.
The literary element is pacing/ pace of the story