Khufu was always in favor of development and is known for building one of the seven wonders of the world.
Khufu was one of the ancient pharaohs of Egypt and is known for building the pyramid which was the largest pyramid of Egypt and this was one of the most important developments of the pharaoh
It was considered as one of the seven wonders of the world. But this pharaoh is not known much because of his traits or characteristics of his personality but because of his accomplishments of making the largest pyramid.
According to Max Weber's theory, the state is considered to be the liable authority to control or have possession of the violence within the boundary of the territory. The main source of the monopoly of violence in the state is police and military, the state has also the right to use private security until the motive behind initiating violence is fulfilled.
The offspring from mating of individuals in a close group can cause inbreeding. The genetic disorders present in both mates will pass along the offspring without the possibility of correction, causing genetic abnormality.
The inbreeding can occur naturally in a way to guarantee the propagation of the offspring. The result of this mating is the increasing of homozygous, which can result in lack of variancy. By the other hand, it can enhance a similar characteristic as well as a genetic problem.
For example, in a crop of clones organisms a disease which has affected one crop can spread more easily through the community of clones than non-clones crops of the same specie.
Image result for La flecha en una ecuación química significa
Una reacción química se representa mediante una ecuación química: en el primer miembro aparecen las fórmulas de las sustancias que reaccionan (reactivos) y en el segundo miembro aparecen las fórmulas de las sustancias que se forman (productos), y están separados por una flecha si la reacción es irreversible.