Cool. i can speak english & spanish and im learning japanese and korean ^^
Metaphors. The classroom was a zoo.
The alligator's teeth are white daggers.
She is a peacock.
My teacher is a dragon.
Mary's eyes were fireflies.
The computers at school are old dinosaurs.
He is a night owl.
Maria is a chicken.
The wind was a howling wolf.
The ballerina was a swan, gliding across the stage.
Jamal was a pig at dinner.
The kids were monkeys on the jungle gym.
My dad is a road hog.
The stormy ocean was a raging bull.
The thunder was a mighty lion.
The relationship between Prospero and Caliban-correct on apex
Capulet thinks Juliet is too young to elope (get married), but cannot refuse Paris. To get more time he asks Count Paris to Court his daughter. It is his way of showing that he knows what is best for Juliet.