Teens push the limits while trying to be the best version of themselves if someone holds them back and tells them not to do a certain thing they will try their hardest go go against that and prove they are strong and independent and don't need help getting to their goal in life of being independent.
I agree becuase during your teenage years you get to learn who you are. Experiences you have during these times provide good or bad memories, and help teach valuable lessons. Independence is also important because one day your going to have to only be able to rely on yourself, and being a teenager allows you to have fun memories and learn how to handle yourself. Pushing the limits allows a person to explore what this world has to offer. For example, you may try something new, and find out you really enjoy it, although it was out of your confort zone. Schools and parents expect so much from teenagers, so getting to try daring things is apart of being a teenager. So yes, I agree that teenagers push the limits so they can learn to become independent.
The authors only writes that if people help out more, the issue will go away. It gives no support and doesn't go into further details about how or why this supposed help will fix our problems.
When Ivan developed an illness, his character developed from being self-centered to being compassionate. By facing his own death, he began to examine his life. Gerasim, the one who helps Ivan during his sickness, was also a factor to his character development.