The closest answer would be C. They wanted to escape poverty in England and find opportunity in America. They also wanted to flee from religious persecution.
Answer: C. They provide a way to organize individuals into political groups.
A political party is consists of candidates who organize to win elections, operate government, and influence public policy.
Hitler became chancellor of Germany because President Paul von Hindenburg appointed him.
The Khmer Rouge took Cambodia in a bitter civil war with dire consequences.
The similarities are invisible.
The only option that describes a major outcome of President Bill clinton's impeachment is:
b) Many americas lsot trust in government officials
The reasons behind this are: Clinton received 70% of approval to continue his job as president. Also, the popularity of republicans fell and it guided the next elections to choose a democrat. Furthermore, He wasn't jailed and retired from office. He just only owns the loss of trust from the public.
fed. regulation of business
social reform
political reform
woman's suffrage
commerce act has to do with business
prohibition is people outlawing alcohol to stop people from drinking excessively
statewide primary system has to do with voting