Water is used by the farms for irrigation purpose as well as in cities it is used for other various purposes such as drinking purposes.
Water is used in agriculture so that crops , fruits as well as vegetables can be grown. It is also used to raise livestock. There are various uses of farm water they are as follows, for irrigation, for applying pesticides as well as while applying fertilizers, it is used for crop cooling and lastly for frost control.
Water is used by cities for various purposes such as it provides water for drinking purposes, water is used for cleaning street, watering the trees, grasses in parks.
The Treaty of Amity and Cooperation (TAC) in Southeast Asia, signed at the First ASEAN Summit on 24 February 1976, declared that in their relations with one another, the High Contracting Parties should be guided by the following fundamental principles:
Mutual respect for the independence, sovereignty, equality, territorial integrity, and national identity of all nations
The right of every State to lead its national existence free from external interference, subversion, or coercion
Non-interference in the internal affairs of one another
Settlement of differences or disputes by peaceful manner
Renunciation of the threat or use of force
Effective cooperation among themselves. it might be helpful
Option c would be the most befitting one.
Geography is literally 'the study of Earth' from 'ge (γη)' meaning earth and 'grapho (γραφω)' to write or to study.
The ninth planet is Pluto, but this was ruled a dwarf planet in 2006. It has a small surface area than Russia.
the atmosphere is the important part of what makes earth livable and it blocks the sun's dangerous ray from reaching the earth.