You literally don’t do anything you’re just like dead of sun
Windows Server operating systems are a popular choice for a network because they use wizards and setup devices as the user operating system, making it easier to set up network features work on networks that include using Windows operating systems as well as Mac OS, NetWare, or UNIX
Windows operating system is popular than any other operating system for certain reasons:
1. It provides GUI feature which any layman can access and learn easily
2. The compatibility that it provides makes it more popular
3. It supports most of the software program available in the market
4. The design of Windows is more comfortable when compared to other open source operating system.
Only thing is that it is not a free-ware. Licence needs to be purchased to use it.
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args) {
char greekLetter = '^';
Create a char variable called greekLetter and set it to the ^
Print the greekLetter to the screen
The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is called the connectionless protocol because:
It does not attempt to fix bad packets or resend lost packets.
Ports are openings or entrance doors through which data packages have access to a PC or server. TCP and UDP are transport protocols with port numbers. TCP means Transmission Control Protocol. They are used to connect two devices over the internet and other networks. UDP means User Datagram Protocol. They are used to connect applications and to speed the transfer of data. Comparatively, UDP is faster, simpler, and more efficient than TCP. TCP enables retransmission of lost data packets, which UDP cannot do.
Segundo o padrão da National Institute of Standards and Technology a alternativa correta é a letra E) 400 músicas. Segundo o padrão disposto acima, dois Giga Bytes equivalem à dois mil Mega Bytes, assim, se cada música tem exatos 5MB, podemos chegar ao total de músicas que podem ser gravadas em um PenDrive de 2GB livres do seguinte modo :
A evolução da microeletrônica possibilitou uma capacidade de armazenamento cada vez maior a cada ano. O desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias na área permite também que os produtores possam produzir músicas, fotos e vídeos com cada vez mais qualidade (consequentemente mais pesada).