Answer:Espero te sirva
Explanation:La subducción es el proceso de hundimiento de una placa litosférica bajo el borde de otra placa, formándose los llamados límites convergentes entre placas. La placa subducida, la que se hunde, suele estar formada por corteza oceánica, más delgada y densa que la continental. La subducción ocurre a lo largo de amplias zonas de subducción que en el presente se concentran especialmente en el entorno del océano Pacífico, en el llamado cinturón de fuego del Pacífico, pero también hay zonas de subducción en partes del mar Mediterráneo, las Antillas, las Antillas del Sur y la costa índica de Indonesia.
2 is in southwestern China.
The highlands of East Asia are found, in particular, in the southwest of China and present a strong temperature variation due to the variability of the altitude and the latitude of this region, where the places with the highest altitude have a colder climate, as well as the places that have more northern latitude.
The boarder between the USA and Mexico what moved South.
Mexico lost the Mexican-American War from 1846 to 1848. In doing so it lost about one-third of its land to the USA. Texas was taken and the boarder was changed to the Rio Grande. Mexico also ceded modern-day California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah and New Mexico. Some regions of Colorado and Wyoming were also included in this.
Well a deciduous forest the temperate deciduous forest biome is characterized by its leaf-shedding trees and its seasons.