Option C.
Thomas Jefferson paraphrased John Locke in the Declaration of Independence, is the right answer.
John Locke was a philosopher during the Enlightenment period whose executive theories did not support the elected assembly based on inheritance. His views and opinions about the state in the work "Two-Treatises of Government" urged Thomas Jefferson at the time while he drafted the Declaration of Independence for American colonies. Locke suggested opinions about the centrality of resources in human freedom and the beliefs of natural law (which asserts that everyone takes birth with natural rights).
Freedom for people
And citizen rights
He purchased Alaska from Russia in 1867. He defied Congress Tenure of Office act on grounds that it was unconstitutional (which He was impeached for, but the Supreme Court agreed with Johnson's reasoning) He was accommodating to the Southern states, and advocated less harsh treatment of the defeated rebels than other politicians of the time (which quickened the healing process from the Civil War) He served in the Senate after his Presidential term expired, showing further willingness to work for the public good despite his impeachment embarrassment. He protected the rights of the Executive branch against Congress' attempt to diminish it's powers.
American Indian Tribes in and around Washington have invested in the state and their own community through; Tribal governments and their enterprises
Washington State has 29 federally recognized Indian tribes. The tribes have tribal governments improve the lives of both Indians and non-Indians through collection of revenue from gaming and other tribal enterprises. The tribal gaming money enters the Washington economy to generate money in tax revenues for local and state government. In addition to that, the money is used to create jobs and business opportunities for all people of Washington. It aids in paying for housing, health care, public security, transport and environmental resource programs.