Roman Republic became dictatorship in the event of abolishment of monarchy back in 501 BC
The Roman empire was under monarchy ever since ages, which later to be divided by the power of King into two praetors. This division was done annually, which later to turn as a threat in order to re-establish monarchy.
This posed the necessity to develop a dictatorship as proposed and intel by the Senate. Praetor maximus or the dictator was hence made the superior position and Titus Lartius in 501 BC is known to be the first to acquire the position, leaving Roman Republic to dictatorship.
Roman republic became a dictatorship due to the power and corruption of the consuls.
The late republic period was marred by the challenges of controlling and curbing the power of strong consuls who became too strong for the senate and gained popular support enough to defy some laws for themselves.
This undermined the law of the republic and in time was ripe for coups.
The first coups that came due to this happened because the public was unhappy with the elitist rule of the Republic and supported the coup by influential people who declared themselves emperor.
The Cultural Revolution was a horrible time. Mao Zedong used it as an excuse to purge the nation of intellectuals and people of high standing. The Red Guards were students he mobilized to carry out this revolution of terror.
The Chinese laborers often did the most dangerous parts of the construction, including the dynamiting of mountain tunnels. Many men lost their lives constructing the transcontinental railroad; estimates range from 150 to 2,000. Most of these were Chinese Americans.