1. According to the authors of
Germany’s complaint, how will various provisions of the treaty hurt Germany’s
It will force Germany to accept responsibility for all the
damages caused by the Germans and everyone linked with them. An agreement was made
to sign the Versailles treaty which was a peace treaty at the end of WW1. It
demanded the Germans to accept full responsibility for the war and all its
specific punishments towards the Germans. This in turn did not go well with the
Germans and ended up damaging the whole country. The punishments involved
dropping the size of the German army, taking away territories of Germany and
forcing the country to pay compensation. Basically, this treaty was to shutter
Germany’s economy.
Yes, the current American tendency to blame the poor for unfavorable conditions is similar to racist attitudes of the past. Groups in power, whether by class or race, have always tended to attribute their issues to outside parties such as the less-privileged strata of society. For example, Hitler blamed Germany’s post-WWI economic and political suffering on the domestic Jewish population, encouraging the entitled and intolerant “Aryan” Germans. In America today, political groups that are composed of the most-fortunate demographics of society tend to blame the poor for high taxes and invasive social programs. As always, xenophobia against impoverished immigrants prevails and continues to perpetuate the use of “scape-goats” for economic and societal issues brought by other factors.
The Bill of Rights protects citizens accused of crimes by the fifth amendment because the fifth amendment allows them to not answer a question if it would further self-incriminate them. This prevents a criminal from being forced to say something that could be used against them. A second way the Bill of Rights protects citizens accused of crimes is by the sixth amendment, which gives every citizen the right to a fair trial and jury.
1. It establishes protection from cruel and unusual punishment.
2. It establishes protection against self-incrimination.
"<span>d. european monarchies,colonize the" would be the best option, since at this time America was worried that increasing foreign influence in the region would lead to a takeover invasion of the US and its territories. </span>