cognitive-developmental theorists
The cognitive development refers to the development of the thought processes and thinking ability of an individual. The cognitive development also helps people to understand and interact with the world.
The theory of cognitive development was developed by Piaget.
As a child grows, he learns to differentiate between what is good and what is bad. The child learns to think morally and searches for the moral truth.
Thus a child who is wondering about the right and the wrong searches for the moral truth is endorsed by the approach of the cognitive-developmental theorists.
Trading rights on the Mississippi River is an answer that I'd consider.
The border line is a thin black line
The Guptas lost power because they had a substantial loss of territory and imperial authority caused by their past feudal system and the invasion of the Huna peoples from Central Asia. However, these factors all played in and their were many reasons why the Guptas lost power. After the collapse of the empire, India was ruled again by many regional powers before and a small line of the empire continued to rule a portion of their ex-empire before being ousted.
The arthropod phylum is the largest phylum of the animal kingdom, including among others all the species of lobsters, insects, crabs, spiders and centipedes. Contrary to popular belief, animals belonging to this phylum exhibit a wide range of behaviours. Parental skills or care is a term related to the behaviours involving the protection of eggs and young.
Several species of insects, look after their eggs over the winter and when the eggs hatch, the young stay with their mother, for feeding and protection.
Some species of spiders and scorpions, hold their eggs in a web formation and once they hatch, they hold them on their back until they are able to survive by themselves.