The consitution creates three separate branches, all organized so that if one falls out of line, the others will make sure things don’t get out of control. This refers to the checks and balances, as well as separation of powers.
Ex. If the Congress (legislative branch) wants to pass an unconstitutional law, the executive branch, president can veto it.
Hopes this helps
Almost 70%
Almost 70% of licensed teen drivers who use drugs regularly report they ''drug and drive."
1. Religion and Educational institution
2. It helps to control human behaivour
1 time every 6 minutes.
In order to find the rate of behavior, we need to find how long it takes for this behavior to happen only a single time. We calculate this by dividing the given number of times the behavior has happened by the total interval of time in which it happened like so...
30min / 5 = 6 min
Therefore, the rate of behavior for Jeannie getting out of her seat is 1 time every 6 minutes.
Children enjoy playing with toys until they are told they will get paid to play with toys. They may still play with toys to get paid, but they view it differently because they are getting paid.
The overjustification effect refers to the situation whereby one loses or there is decreased motivation as a result of an expected external incentive such as money or prizes. This reduces a person's intrinsic motivation to perform a task. The phenomenon known as motivational crowding out is explained by overjustification.