the Great royal was an achievement of Persia
Yellow journalism is what we call today sensation journalism which attemtps to surprise , shock or impress the audience with news stories that are uncommon and are often related to scandal, sex, violence, crimes or the private life of the rich, the powerful or the famous. Its tactics is eye-catching headlines or pitches to increase sales or viewers. The American yellow press run by press barons William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer covered the Cuban war of independence , focusing on the abuses and atrocities of Spanish troops against Cuban civilians and the appaling living conditions of the latter, often sent to camps in order to isolate them from the rebels. Those stories moved the American public, created sympathy toward the rebels and influenced the public mood in ways favorable to an American intervention in the Spanish-American War of 1898.
Thousands of Allied troops were marched to their death as they walked to their prison camp. They were treated miserably, often hit and told to march all day.
Very few of the many Allied troops that marched survived
hope this helps