Personal greed, Decline of personal ethical sensitivity, the size and structure of governments, economic freedom/openness of economy, Cultural environments that condone corruption, Lack of transparency, Slow judicial processes, etc.
The market that characterizes the industry in which Forey competes is a market where competition is at its greatest possible level and it is a perfectly competitive market and the reason is because its returns decrease with the entering of new firms, also four-firm concentration ratio and Herfindahl Hirschman index are both quite small, so no one has significant market power to set or even influence the market price. In the short-run Forey Inc’s profit will decrease as more and more new firms enter the market and in the long-run Forey Inc will receive only normal (zero) economic profit.
If all firms only earn a normal profit in the long run, firms will develop new products or lower-cost production methods because they can innovate and possibly earn an economic profit in the short run.
Competition involves constant efforts by companies and executives to do more than the loss (normal gains) of new goods or by improving ways to manufacture current products at lower prices. Therefore, if businesses can invent, they will achieve short-term economic advantage.
Economic benefit encourages entry, economic losses lead to exit and firms in a highly profitable market earn little economic income in a long-term equilibrium. In an industry where inflation does not change the costs of materials (a market with a constant cost), the long-term supply curve is a horizontal line.
Set specific, challenging, and reachable goals for the team. In addition, goal setting is the procedure of classifying to some degree that a team want to achieve and founding quantifiable goals and timeframes. When the team decide on a technique change to win the game in which this is an example of goal setting.