c. difficult
According to Thomas and Chess, there are three types of temperament in child i.e. slow-to-warm-up, easy and, difficult.
The slow to warm up child is quite negative, exhibits a low potency of mood, and shows low adjust-ability.
The easy child adjust easily to new experiences, normally have a positive mood, easily begin regular routines in infancy.
The difficult child cry very often and react negatively, as well as slow in adjusting to new experiences
Huang He floods, (1887, 1931, 1938), series of devastating floods in China caused by the overflowing of the Huang He (Yellow River), the country’s second longest river. These three floods collectively killed millions and are considered to be the three deadliest floods in history and among the most destructive natural disasters ever recorded.
They provide a habitat for fish, frogs and other animals.
urban heat island
Urban heat island -
It is the area in the urban or rural land , whose temperature is higher than the others , which is typically due to the human activities , is known as urban heat island .
This area is created due to pollution , burning of fossil fuels , usage of excessive air conditioners , smoke generated from factories etc.
In these areas , the air quality reduces due to increased pollutants , and disturbs the natural ecosystem of the Earth .