Greek word meaning "well-nourished"
All three are bad for the environment because all three types release CO2 into the air and have throughout their constant usage helped with creating the greenhouse effect that traps heat and causes global warming. That's why clean energy is a necessity and people are developing harnessing wind and solar power.
the brain is the only place you wil find brain nurons and when a person is in a coma the brain is not running at a fast alert as it would if u where awake the brain is working at a really slow alert speed becuase u wont be able to jus shake and wake a person out of a coma becuase the brains nurons are working slow
All carbohydrates, including sugar, therefore contain the same three elements: carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Different arrangements of these elements form single units to make different types of carbohydrates. Glucose, for instance, is a single-unit carb with six carbon atoms, 12 hydrogen atoms and six oxygen atoms