Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution provides that the President shall appoint officers of the United States “by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate.” This report describes the process by which the Senate provides advice and consent on presidential nominations, including receipt and referral of nominations, committee practices, and floor procedure.
Committees play the central role in the process through investigations and hearings. Senate Rule XXXI provides that nominations shall be referred to appropriate committees “unless otherwise ordered.” Most nominations are referred, although a Senate standing order provides that some “privileged” nominations to specified positions will not be referred unless requested by a Senator. The Senate rule concerning committee jurisdictions (Rule XXV) broadly defines issue areas for committees, and the same jurisdictional statements generally apply to nominations as well as legislation. A committee often gathers information about a nominee either before or instead of a formal hearing. A committee considering a nomination has four options. It can report the nomination to the Senate favorably, unfavorably, or without recommendation, or it can choose to take no action. It is more common for a committee to take no action on a nomination than to reject a nominee outright.
Yes, I legit just wrote a whole paper on this!
Many adolescents enjoy listening to sad lyrics after breakups, or aggressive music when they feel angry. Yet when one listens to such music, they must take into account the severe impact it may have on both their psychological and emotional well-being. Aristotle once said “Music directly imitates the passions or states of the soul; hence, when one listens to music that imitates certain passion, he becomes imbued with the same passion,” followed by, “...if one listens to the wrong kind of music, he will become the wrong kind of person; but, conversely, if he listens to the right kind of music, he will tend to become the right kind of person.” Is there truth behind what this wise man once said so long ago? Research has shown that the music one listens to may impact their behavior, memory retention, and overall emotional health.
First of all, it is worth considering that when one repetitively listens to songs containing negative messages, the listener could become more prone to high anxiety levels, aggressive behaviors, and suicidal thoughts. Teenagers typically undergo a boundless range of emotional highs and lows daily, and many use music to express said emotions. With balance, most forms of music are acceptable as outlets to release a wide range of repressed feelings. However, during adolescence, teens are highly impressionable and emotional because their minds are still developing. Excessive exposure to negative messages can cause the listener to ruminate on negative thoughts and, in some cases, affect the nervous system and dysregulate some of the body’s natural rhythms (Taylor). In fact, studies have revealed that enough exposure to disharmonic music or songs with violent and immoral themes can induce aggressive and negative thoughts, thus increasing the likelihood of negative behavior (Avramova). Music with lyrics depicting negative behaviors could even become a stumbling block to listeners who may have had a previous history with such actions or influence them to think about negative actions, and potentially lead them to take part in those improper acts. Not only that, but music may also have the ability to impact relationships negatively. Worldly lyrics are often full of profanity and are overtly sexualized. They tend to present romantic relationships as something that is chiefly physical. Such music could potentially alter the listeners’ idea of what relationships should look like, consequently leading to toxic relationships (Herron).
John Adams Quotes taken from his own letters and speeches. John Adams was a leader of the Revolutionary War who eventually became the second President of the United States. Our John Adams Quotes are listed in chronological order. This page contains quotes from 1776, most are from letters he wrote to other Revolutionary War era figures such as General Horatio Gates, George Wythe - a signer of the Declaration of Independence, Patrick Henry, Mercy Otis Warren and his wife Abagail Adams. In these quotes, he talks about the importance of education, religion, elections and being governed by local bodies. There are links to more John Adams Quotes before and after 1776 at the bottom
"I agree with you that in politics the middle way is none at all"
"The form of government which communicates ease, comfort, security, or, in one word, happiness, to the greatest number of persons, and in the greatest degree, is the best"
Equality under the law shall not be denied or abridged because of sex,race, color, creed, or national origin. This amendment is self-operative.
According to the explanation, the answer it's C!
I hope i'm correct :)
The American Revolution had profound effects on the institution of slavery. ... Both the British and the colonists believed that slaves could serve an important role during the ... The British appeal to slave unrest outraged slave holders not only in the ... Was the Constitution a pro-slavery document, as abolitionist William Lloyd .