<span>And standing troops, the bane of every state,
Forever spurn'd, shall be remov'd as far</span>
tell the reader what to think
Jim Crow is disrespectful, terrible. Thats how I would explain how I think of Jim Crow.
Roger Williams<span> is </span>banished<span> from the </span>Massachusetts<span> Bay Colony by the General Court of </span>Massachusetts<span>. </span>Williams<span> had spoken out against the right of civil authorities to punish religious dissension and to confiscate Indian land.</span>
Prayer alone with the Lord is powerful. Prayer with the community is most powerful, for the Lord himself said: “Where two or three are gathered in my name I am in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20). Finally, however, we need to bear in mind that the Lord answers all prayer.
We can use prayer as a way of opening our hearts to God, not as a being living in an extra-dimensional heaven, but as the wellspring of creative energy within us and the universe. By quieting our minds, we can open ourselves to experience this divine ground directly.