The inflammatory response is a set of responses that often occurs in the body following tissue damage, such as damage caused by
bacteria, as the body attempts to restore homeostasis. Which of the following are characteristic signs and symptoms of inflammation, in this example? a. heat and redness caused by increased blood flow to the damaged tissue area
b. tissue swelling caused by increased vascular permabililty, which helps phagocytic WBC's and other beneficial proteins to reach the damaged tissue area
c. defending the body against infection and disease
d. both a. and b.
Inflammation is a type of defense mechanism in the body. This is a type of innate immunity present in the organism from birth. The acute or chronic reaction determines the symptoms of inflammation.
The redness and heat occurs in the inflamed area due to the increase blood flow in the affected area. Tissue swelling or edema may occur due to the accumulation of fluid that increases the phagocytic activity of WBCs and other useful chemicals that can reach to the damaged area.
Removal of the pancreas would have the most severe effects on absorption because most chemical digestion occurs in the small intestine. Absorption requires the action of pancreatic enzymes, making the pancreas the most important.