During the Age of Discovery (also known as the Age of Exploration), which took place from around the 15th Century until about the 18th Century, the following explorers took respective routes to observe the paired locations:
Christopher Columbus to the Americas
Corte Real to Newfoundland
Da Gama to India
Cabral to Brazil
Tasman to New Zealand
Magellan to Straits of Magellan
Janszoon to Australia
Balboa to the Pacific Ocean
James Cook to Hawaii and Antarctica
Match the numbers to the closest approximation on where the lines are.
Actions taken during WW1 helped to promote ethnic unity and destabilise the region for the next century.
As Lawrence of Arabia encouraged the Bedouin tribes to fight against the Ottoman Empire, he tried to provoke nationalism in the ethnicities living in the Empire at the time, for example, Syrians and Arabs. He encouraged them to fight for their freedom and promised an independent nation for those minorities in the Empire.
The Sykes-Picot agreement destabilised the region and broke the promises made by Britain and France for an independent nation for the Arabs, Syrians, Bedouins etc. They split the Middle East in accordance to their colonial spheres of influence and occupied different parts of the Middle East, the borders created caused anger and outrage for some, eg Israel-Palestine.
Mentuhotep II wore the Double Crown of Egypt, which represented the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt. Thebes, a city in Upper Egypt, became the capital city of the pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom. The Middle Kingdom was a time of achievements for the ancient Egyptians."