Absorb more thermal energy, and the rough surface will prevent it to reflect efficiently.
The troposphere is shallowest or narrowest at the poles, and deepest or thickest at the equator. At the geographic North and South Poles, the troposphere reaches only 4 miles high, while at the equator, it extends nearly 12 miles high.
The evolution of the peppered moth is an evolutionary instance of directional colour change in the moth population as a consequence of air pollution during the Industrial Revolution. The frequency of dark-coloured moths increased at that time, an example of industrial melanism. Later, when pollution was reduced, the light-coloured form again predominated. Industrial melanism in the peppered moth was an early test of Charles Darwin's natural selection in action, and remains as a classic example in the teaching of evolution. Sewall Wright described it as "the clearest case in which a conspicuous evolutionary process has actually been observed."
Thymidine dimers is likely to be repair as soon as it is originated but if left unrepaired then it causes frame shift mutations.
In case of Bacterium if UV irradiation induces covalent linkage of two thymidine present adjacently to each other or on a single strand to make thymidine dimers.
These either excised via DNA repair enzyme like Endonuclease V and the proof reading activity of DNA polymerase I enzyme help in incorporation of nucleotide by taking the unmutated original strand as a template.
These dimers if not excised before second round of replication than the sequence of newly synthesized strand will be altered. As DNA polymerase III enzyme read thymidine dimers as single thymidine nucleotide and incorporate only 1 adenine in the newly synthesizing complementary strand which results in frame shift mutations
It is the mutation in which reading frame of codons is shifted or altered due to deletion or addition of a single nucleotide.