Achilles this is because of the story of Achilles heel which was the weak spot of a demi god that was untouchable in every spot other than the heel.
well, first off, you would be treated as a minority, affecting how you think about you yourself, bringing down your confidence. you would probably feel sad, because if only a few other people know it, communicating would be hard. Like, when you go to the grocery store or out shopping, if you needed help with something, how would you ask? or a really bad scenario would be if you went to the ER, and your health problem wasn't obvious and it was internal. That could be dangerous.
Before, During, and After
Readers should always ask questions before like "What is this text about?" they should ask question during like "What is gonna happen next?" or "I wonder why this person did this?" and After they should ask questions like "what point of view was it written from?" or "why was it written?" anything related to the text basically. I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense but I hope it helps
what story are you talking about?