The cerebrum is also known as telencephalon. It is a major part of the brain that houses the cerebral cortex (of both cerebral hemispheres), varying subcortical structures, plus the hippocampus, basal ganglia, and olfactory bulb. In the human brain, it is the uppermost zone of the central nervous system.
The inferior boundaries of the telencephalon are basically located at the diencephalon (e.g. thalamus and hypothalamus) and the brainstem.
The telencephalon houses the BIGGEST part of the brain, the CEREBRUM.
Iron is a key component of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin the the protein responsible for transporting oxygen uses iron to bond oxygen. Additionally Hemoglobin is a key component of RBC (erythrocytes)... If iron is deficit the body is not able to produce red blood cells and it can result in iron deficient anemia.
<u>What we already know:</u>
All species under normal circumstances will have two sex chromosomes. X and Y, Y is known to be dominant. All females will have two X chromosomes (XX, one X will always be given by the mother), whereas males will have one Y chromosome and one X chromosome (XY, one X will always be given by the mother. The father, on the other hand, could give either an X or a Y, that all depends on what sex chromosome the father's sperm donated.)
<em>So, how many chromosomes do a typical human have? Correct, a typical human has 32 chromosomes and only 2 of them are sex chromosomes. Now we must understand that the sex chromosome carries more than just the one code for the individual sex</em>.<em> That means that the gene codes for more than just the sex. </em>
<u>Building on that knowledge: </u>
<em>Sex-Related Inheritance</em> that differs from sex, is carried on one or two of an individual's sex chromosome. Whereas <em>Non-Sex-Related Inheritance</em> is carried on the other thirty chromosomes that the individual also carries.
<em>Sex-Related</em> inherited genes that are passed via the father to male offsprings, carried on the Y chromosome, are easiest to spot in a family. All males will have this trait and no females will.
Non-sex-related inheritance can be passed from male to female and from female to male, this is sometimes harder to differentiate from genes carried on the X chromosome because the mother always gives an X chromosome.
phenotype: the set of observable characteristics of an individual resulting from the interaction of its genotype with the environment.