Collective efficacy.
Cohesive communities with high levels of social control and social integration and where people develop interpersonal ties are also likely to develop <em>collective efficacy</em>. Collective efficacy is the capacity of a community to control the behavior of individuals and group that belong to the community. In these cohesive communities, members monitor children's behavior when in public spaces. They also prevent adolescents from hanging on street corners. The community creates a controlled and safe environment where criminal deeds are less likely to occur.
Grace and Shan walk to and from school every day <u>10 Miles</u>.
A school is a type of educational facility created to offer classrooms and other learning settings where students can be taught by teachers. The majority of nations have formal education systems that are occasionally required. Students move through a sequence of schools in these systems.
These institutions are referred to by different names depending on the country (explained in the Regional terminology section below), but they typically include primary school for young children and secondary school for teenagers who have finished primary school. A university or college is a frequent name for a place that offers higher education.
To know more about school
He was born in Faro District, Portugal