The Minoans was a civilisation on Creteawhich is an island on the Aegean Sea, and other islands on this sea: they used the Aegean Sea for transportation
King Minos was a legendary king of Crete and son of Zeus. He was the one to order the Labyrinth to be built.
Knossos would be the equivalent of a capital for the Minoans.
Fort Sumter: First Battle of the American Civil War, Confederates Win.
First Battle of Bull Run: Confederates win because of Stonewall Jackson's leadership. Battle in the American Civil War.
Siege of Yorktown: Final battle in the American Revolutionary War, British surrenders, America gains independence.
Battle of Shiloh: Union wins with Grant's leadership. 2 day battle. High casualties. Battle in the American Civil War.
Capture of New Orleans: Union captures New Orleans, helps the Union capture the Mississippi river. Battle in the American Civil War.
Hope this helps!
The letter signed by Samuel Adams caused very negative reactions in the British, which increased tensions between the British Parliament and Massachusetts, who not to give up what the letter said, led the British Empire to decide the occupation of the city of Boston by the British Army. This fact, in turn, and given the repressive forms of reaction of the British, was a fact that rushed and provoked the American Revolution. It should be noted that in the letter, it was expressed at the end that the settlers were still subjects of His Majesty and that only expressed with anguish their problems.
??? what are the questions about ? and who were thoes ppl?you should be more spacific naxt time (sorry if i sound rude ;-;)
What did special religious observances in both the Aztec and Spanish calendars provide for people? The correct answer is Fun and entertainment.