There is a 0.36% Chance of 1 or fewer in every 24 matches being flawed.
Step-by-step explanation:
Firstly we need to know what 1/10 of 5 is. It is 0.5.
You then need to multiply 24 by 1.5 to get 36. We then need to divide that by 100 to get a percentage and we end up with 0.36%
Here is an explanation of how to get percentages:
They are called relation symbols
they tell how something relates to something else
greater than tells ou that the the result must be more than, but not eqal to that numberd so example, we have to have something that flys higher than that bridge (100ft) but it cannot fly 100 or else it will crash
less than tells you that you must be less than, but not euqal to. example
this thing must be less than 7 feet tall to fit under the doorway, it cannot be 7 feet or else it wont fit
equal to is an exact amount, nothing more or less
we have to have a screw that is this big, nothing more or less
less and greater than is nice since if you found a solution and you wanted to notate it, example
if the naswer is any number less than 10, it would be nicer to write x<10 instead of listing all numbers less than 10 since they could get very close example 9.999999999 forever
greater is the same, any number bigger than 30, you woul dhave to include 30.0000000001 and smaller which is hard, but with the x>30, it is easier
the equals just shows equality, this is equal to this, period
It is a mixed number because a fraction would be like 4/9.
Step-by-step explanation:
How you remember is that a decimal is in a place that makes it a mixed number,
What is an estimate of 23 times 67
Cut the 4 corners off and you will have an 8-sided octagon