The most surprising thing for me personally was the set up of the trenches, there is a very good system where the front line is the first to attack or be attacked while the others are there as backups. If someone were to get hurt within the first trench, there are easily accessible routes for the soldiers to take to retreat to safety, on the contrary, if the front lines were in need of any reinforcement whatsoever, there is a clear way to travel for the soldiers to get more ammunition or man power.
The Third Estate in France was made up of the commoners. This group comprimised 98 per cent of the population. Most were rural peasants working on farms as share croppers to a lord. There were also urban commoners who lived in the cities whose life was little better. The third estate was not represented by the government. High taxes and other required payments, lack of housing and high rents plus rising food prices all contributed to the French Revolution.
A) True
Samuel Taylor Coleridge was a British poet, theologian and philosopher. He also founded the Romantic movement in England. Also, he was a literary critic. Some of his works include; Kubla Khan, The rime of the ancient mariner and Biagraphia Literarica.
Coleridge was born in October, 1772 in Devon, England. He attended Christ's Hospital, a charity school, after his father died. From 1791 to 1794 Samuel Coleridge attended Jesus college, Cambridge. He won the Browne gold medal in 1792 for his work on slave trade. In December, 1793, he left the college to enlist in the Light Dragoons but his brothers arranged his discharge a few months later. He was readmitted to Jesus college where he graduated in 1794.
Yes, unity is a surefire strategy