Here's your list:
- lived in monasteries
copied manuscripts of books
<u>THE POPE</u>:
considered to be infallible
- held the most power within the hierarchy of the church
could excommunicate the king
Some further explanation:
The history of monasticism (the life of monks) goes back at least as far as the 3rd century of Christian history. St. Anthony was famous in those days for going out into the desert to live by himself, and others followed his example. Beginning in the 4th century, communities of monks began to form to live in community with one another in monasteries. Copying books was one of their occupations together, along with prayer and daily tasks.
The office of the pope developed out of the position of the Bishop of Rome. Over time, the Bishop of Rome asserted more and more power over other bishops in the church. Leo the Great (5th century) and Gregory the Great (end of 6th century) were two key figures in advancing the power of the "universal bishop" of Rome as leader of the whole church. The doctrine of the pope being "infallible" (unable to be in error) when speaking on matters of faith and doctrine was not officially proclaimed until the First Vatican Council in the 19th century. However, that belief about the pope's authority had developed long before that, already during the Middle Ages.
The Tsarist autocracy collapsed in 1917 due to the following reasons— (a) Miserable Condition of the Workers (i) The industrial workers in Russia got very low wages. (ii) They had very long working hours, sometimes upto 15 hours.
Immigration affected the demographics in the United States by making it a multicultural nation.
- The United States is one of the nations with the highest full factor. This makes learned professionals from around the world wanting to move to the US.
- The United States already has a huge population of migrants that accounts for 14.4% of the total population of the country.
- These migrants partially follow their cultures occasionally. This makes the United States a multicultural nation owing to its varied demographics.
Benedict Arnold went into a meeting to convince the Patriots not to surrender to the British.
Answered below
The silk road whose name was derived from the popular trade in silk, was a connection of trade routes which linked the east to the west. It was important to the cultural, political, economic and religious communications between these regions in the 18th century. Some of the places connected were south Asia, southeast Asia, east Asia, east Africa, Persia and southern Europe. The silk road was important to the development of these regions.
The common hazards the traders of the silk road faced were bandits. Bandits were a threat as expensive products like gold were transported through these roads. Another hazard was the difficult terrain and mountains the caravans had to navigate. Next was the deserts and sandstorms.
To overcome the bandits challenge, the traders traveled with their own defense forces. Traders wore thick coverings to protect from the sandstorms.