"Dad looked more Jeremy than Tom Cruise"
"Danced on my taste buds"
Because of their poverty they may experience multiple disadvantages through unemployment, low income, poor housing, inadequate health care and barriers to lifelong learning, culture, sport and recreation.
Jim, who is not creative but handles stressful situations gracefully
Mad hatter-believing his family died at Horovendoush day
I’m not sure abt the door mouse
Queen of hearts- her sister lying abt who ate the tart and hitting her head.
Eve wanted to return the clothes she received from Adam and his father.
According to the passage given, it is narrated that someone is anxious about her decision to return a gift because, even though it was useful, it has not been her fitting lately.
The inference that best supports the passage is option C because, from the narration, she is trying to return a gift because it was no longer fitting as it used to, so we assume it's a dress she is trying to return