A group comparison study
In group comparison study, an experiment compares two groups(the beareaved and nonbeareaved adults in the above study) such as in testing the effects of a treatment where a "comparison group" receives either an alternative treatment or no treatment so that it functions as a source of "counterfactual" causal inference for the purpose of the experiment.
"Humanism" <span>is a perspective within psychology that emphasizes the potential for good that is innate to all humans.
Humanism is a viewpoint inside psychology that accentuates the potential for good that is inborn to all people. Two of the most understood advocates of humanistic psychology are Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers. Abraham Maslow was an American therapist who is best known for proposing an order of human needs in rousing conduct.
Answer: costs: might not work and have a dry spell
Benefits:it’s food and well food
(B). Attack
Companies employ various strategies depending on the business scenario in which they find themselves.
One of such strategy is an attack strategy which could involve a company comparing its products to competing products or <u>starting a price war</u>.
<u>In a price war, a company could choose to match its prices to, or reduce the price of its products lower than, its competitor's price.</u>
<em>FlavorBell is implementing an attack strategy by matching SweetCream's price.</em>
Protestant used the printing press to spread their beliefs and ideas across Europe, mainly through pamphlets. A typical example is the Ninety Five Theses by Martin Luther which was nail to the door of the Wittenberg Church. Reformers were able to spread out their messages to thousands more across Europe to the point of even making the spread of their idea difficult for the Catholic Church to inhibit the spread.
Writing of their messages in the vernacular was important to the Protestant reformers because they appealed to the people of all works of life such as clerics,non-clerics and common people.