Industrialization is a process of economic and social change. It is one that shifts the centres of economic activity onto the focus of work, wages and incomes. These changes took two forms in Canada, beginning in the 19th century. First, economic and social activities were transformed from agriculture and natural resource extraction to manufacturing and services. Second, economic and social activities shifted from rural cottage industries to urban industrial pursuits. Industrialized production took place under the privately owned factory system, in which a larger proportion of the population expected to be wage earners for all of their working lives. Therefore, industrialization brought major changes, not only in work and the economy, but in the way society was organized and in the relations among different groups in society. Although it has evolved over nearly two centuries, the process of industrialization is considered revolutionary — as the term Industrial Revolution suggests — because it marked the shift from feudalism to capitalism, and from agriculture to manufacturing and services — changes that fundamentally altered human existence.
The gov does not really control the economy and c and d are just false.
she needs to find out the coordinates for John Glenn
Answer: lessening the influence of eastern landowners in politics.
Andrew Jackson was the first president from the area west of the Appalachians. Moreover, much of the leadership in his campaign was also from the West. This led to a realignment of power, in which eastern landowners lost some of their influence in politics. This was a turning point in the politics of the United States, and helped establish Jackson as the president of the "common man."
Your hypothesis is going to come from what you are interested in learning. Maybe you could investigate the role of digital technology in the development of young people. For example, it seems to me that young people are less interested (or able?) to have face to face conversations than they were before the introduction of the smart phone. So your agent of socialization could be family and/or peers. Your hypothesis could be that the introduction of the smart phone has caused teen aged youths to speak less in person (using text messaging more) with family and friends than the teen aged youths who grew up before the smart phone. It might be hard to do a survey using a hypothesis like that, unless your survey asked the age of the respondents.
Here is a simpler one. Hypothesis - Younger people are more likely to end a romantic relationship by text message or ghosting (no formal end, they just discontinue contact) than older people are due to their use of digital technology during their formative years. You could then do a survey asking whether or not the person thinks it is ok to end a relationship by texting. Then find out their age. I would think that older people who didn't grow up in the age of texting might be more in favor of a face to face break-up than younger people would. By collecting survey data, you could get some evidence on this. What do you think of these ideas?