A simile requires "like" or "as" and metaphors require something to be called something it is not (e.g "Time is money"), finally, alliteration is the usage of repeating letters (e.g Bart Baker beat the baseball) so through the process of elimination, it is most likely assonance.
Answer:I think option is a good day at a answer is not correct because the Netherlands is amsterdam and not Rotterdam and mathematics holiday homework on Saturday and mathematics holiday homework full please fastly and mathematics holiday homework full please fastly and mathematics holiday homework full please fastly and the Netherlands is second chapter please fastly and mathematics holiday in Kerala next week to
C. jumped
the past tense of jump is jumped
hope this helps
The correct answer is 4. It supports the overall organization of the speech by building an argument for a particular solution.
The text presents a proposal to unify the celebration of junior and senior promotion. In this text, the author compares and contrasts both celebrations, indeed, the author exposes the minimum differences between both celebrations, for example in the junior the attire is semi-formal and the attendees are junior, while in the senior, the attire is formal and the attendees are senior. Moreover, the author explains the characteristics of both celebrations are very similar. From the differences and similarities an argument is built in which it is exposed why it would be better to unify them to reduce the costs of implementation and allow more people to attend it by reducing the income value. According to the above, the correct answer is 4. It supports the overall organization of speech by building an argument for a particular solution.
Answer: Hustled, fidgeted, and hasty.
Explanation: These words reveal that the pace of the story is quick.