In a <u>little endian computer</u> -The data's least substantial byte is put at the lower address byte. The remaining information will be put in memory in order in the next three bytes.
4 is placed at the least significant bits,so this byte stored at lower memory address.
1 is placed at the most significant bits,so this byte stored at higher memory address.
C is placed at the least significant bits,so this byte stored at lower memory address.
A is placed at the most significant bits,so this byte stored at higher memory address.
c) B100
0 is placed at the least significant bits,so this byte stored at lower memory address.
B is placed at the most significant bits,so this byte stored at higher memory address.
d) B800
0 is placed at the least significant bits,so this byte stored at lower memory address.
B is placed at the most significant bits,so this byte stored at higher memory address.
I don't have a Apple, but I suggest you either contact Apple Help, or go to settings and see if you can reset it.
I hope this helped you at all.
boolean isEven = false;
if (x.length % 2 == 0)
isEven = true;
Comparable currentMax;
int currentMaxIndex;
for (int i = x.length - 1; i >= 1; i--)
currentMax = x[i];
currentMaxIndex = i;
for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--)
if (((Comparable)currentMax).compareTo(x[j]) < 0)
currentMax = x[j];
currentMaxIndex = j;
x[currentMaxIndex] = x[i];
x[i] = currentMax;
Comparable a = null;
Comparable b = null;
if (isEven == true)
a = x[x.length/2];
b = x[(x.length/2) - 1];
if ((a).compareTo(b) > 0)
m = a;
m = b;
m = x[x.length/2];
Of course it does contribute