Ben - Y Xc
Jen - XCXC
Violet - XCXc
Seraphina - XCXc
Samuel- Y Xc
Given -
Ben has a cleft chin
Let the allele for cleft chin be "c"
and the allele for normal chin be "C"
When Ben with cleft chin mates with wife Jennifer Garner having normal chin, then the two girl child do not have cleft chin but the boy has cleft chin.
This means that the allele C could be X -linked and the mother is not the carrier but the father is
The genotype of father Ben would be Y Xc
Genotype of mother would be XCXC
Genotype of two daughters XCXc , XCXc which means they are carrier for the next generation
Genotype of Boy - Y Xc
Using energy is the answer to this question :)
People that like the restaurant
In order to judge the feeling of the town, you should take into aspect what other people think of it, and since the people's numbers change, it would be good use to measure some aspects
There are three types of energy involved in a muscle's contraction. There is metabolism, catabolism, and anabolism. Metabolism is the events that are carried out in the human body to create energy and other things needed for activity. Catabolism is the process during the organic matter is broken down and the energy is released, it takes place during increased movement. Anabolism is the energy-consuming process that substances are created, it takes place when there is little movement. All three of these work to gather in muscle contraction.
61% of emerging diseases is caused by zoonotic pathogens
Out of total emerging diseases zoonotic contributes 61%, that are originated from wildlife. The rate is increasing due to growth of human population, its mobility, frivolous, cultural and their socioeconomic purposes. Air is the major source for spread of infectious diseases. Zoonoses are generally caused by bacteria, viruses and pathogens that are blowout between animals and human beings. Modern zoonoses are Ebola virus and salmonella. One of such direct zoonoses is rabies, that is transformed directly from animal to human.