Make sure to change it up a bit
1.) Find all the ingredients you need.
a.) 1 cup water.
b.) 1 dash of wild flower.
c.) 1 handful of frog legs
d.) 2 cups of ground up bark from a willow tree
e.) 8 legs of a black widow
2.) put all ingredients together in a culdrin of boiling water
a.) mix legs seperatily with water and a cup of ground up bark.
b.) once mixed put them all together.
c.) let boil while strring frequently for 2 hours.
3.) once finished, divide potion into 20 clear glass flasks.
4.) throw the flask at your target (aim for the groin if its a guy, chest for girl. hit these areas for best effects) make sure the top is off of the flask so the potion splashes them.
4.) enjoy.