Here's how to convert 0.39 to a fraction...
There is not much that can be done to figure out how to write 0.39 as a fraction, except to literally use what the decimal portion of your number, the .39, means.
Since there are 2 digits in 39, the very last digit is the "100th" decimal place.
So we can just say that .39 is the same as 39/100.
So your final answer is: 0.39 can be written as the fraction 39/100 (ALREADY SIMPLIFIED)
If the baker made 5 pounds of icing and used 4/9 of the icing to make decorations, then he used:
5 * 4/9 =
= 20/9 =
= 2 2/9 [of icing]
To find out how much he has left over, we just need to substract 2 2/9 from 5:
5 - 2 2/9 =
= 3 - 2/9 =
= 2 7/9
Answer: The baker has <u>2 7/9</u> of the icing left.
2= f/8
Mutiply both sides by 8
(2/(8)= 16
f/8(8)= f ( crossed out 8 and 8)
Answer: f= 16
Step-by-step explanation:\
7 3/2 is equal to 17/2 because 2 x 7 is 14 and 14+3 is 17 and you keep the dem so its 17/2 and you cant simplify so it just becomes 7 3/2. i hope this helped.
12 shoes
Step-by-step explanation:
Divide 33 by 2 3/4