1-) Patent ductus arteriosus: this duct normally must be closed two days after the baby is born, but if not, it will carry oxygenated blood to the pulmonary artery producing a mixture with oxygen-poor blood and producing a cardiac overload due to the large amount of blood that would reach the right heart.
2-) Transposition of the great vessels: In this defect, the oxygenated blood is collected throughout the body and taken directly to the right heart which returns to the poorly connected aorta (right ventricle) back to the body without oxygenation; on the other hand, the oxygenated blood returns to the left heart, then goes to the pulmonary artery (connected to the left ventricle) and back to the lungs.
3-) Tetralogy of fallot: It is a congenital anomaly that can present different defects at the level of the heart, such as:
intraventricular communication, in which blood would go from the left heart to the right heart.
Pulmonary obstruction, there is obstruction of the blood outlet by plugging the duct, which causes a decrease in blood flow to the body.
Dextraposition of the aorta: The aorta is more deviated to the right and in union with the intraventricular (IVC) communication. Increased amount of bleeding to the pulmonary artery. Bad oxygenation of the blood due to the mixture thereof.
Four examples of how you think elderly people living in care facilities can benefit from culture change are {core values, respect and dignity self-determination}