HDI refers to Human Development Index and it’s a measure of the key elements and areas of how citizens of the country develop. These can be measured through their average income, health care etc.
China- 0.761 85th
USA - 0.926 17th
Japan- 0.919 19th
UK- 0.932 13th
Saudi Arabia- 0.854 40th
Iraq- 0.674 123rd
What ever amendment does:
1) 6th amendment- This guarantees citizens the right to a public trial, the right to a lawyer, right to have a jury of their peers, and the right to know what charges are being put against you. All of these are imperative, as it gives each citizen equal treatment in the eyes of the law.
2) 7th amendment- This guarantees a right to a civil trial in any case in which the object in question is valued at over $20. In this case, there would be a jury. This ensures that any damage to a person's property may be ruled on in court.
3) 8th amendment- This protects citizens against excessive bail. This ensures that citizens are not held for an unfair amount of money. The crime dictates how much bail should be for the individual.
Hope this helps! God bless
In order to be a visionary leader, I would need to have an understanding of how my country could improve. I would need to have foresight and the ability to see ways to solve my country’s problems. I would need to see a way out of the country’s struggles. Next, I would need to communicate this to my country’s citizens. I would need to show them how they could accomplish these goals and help them understand what their future could be.
crops needs Air, water and sunlight in it's environment
The answer to it is that it wasn''t the biggest house after because They had a Civil War which Civil means attacking your own country over something. one of the causes was over slavey when John Brown got mad at the pro slavery people and stole guns from the Us military and got caught and hang.