Four reasons to keep your money in a financial institution like a bank are: Its the safest place for your money. In the case of burglaries or any such misfortune, a financial institution is the safest option. Interest rate is an added incentive for keeping your money in an institution. Money usually keeps losing and gaining value. In a bank it will keep earning you an interest on your savings. It is easy to manage your cash, keep track of your expenditures and savings. Value-added facilities provided by these financial institutions are also an attractive incentive.
. The Romans learned about Greek
culture when Greek colonists established towns in southern Italy and on the island of Sicily.
Romans also learned about Greek ways from traders and the many Greeks who came to Rome
Answer: A) 12 hours during the day
Explanation: There are 8 lunar phases. The new moon phase is the first one and it last on avarage 12 hours, from 6 am to 6 pm which technically is day time.
Legal education is the education of individuals in the principles, practices, and theory of law. ... Advanced academic degrees in law, such as masters and doctoral degrees. Practice or training courses, which prospective lawyers are required to pass in some countries before they may enter practice.
The Treaty of Paris of 1763 ended the French and Indian War/Seven Years' War between Great Britain and France, as well as their respective allies. In the terms of the treaty, France gave up all its territories in mainland North America, effectively ending any foreign military threat to the British colonies there.