Hubs incorporate amplifiers and repeaters.
Hub is an outdated way of connecting ethernet devices, they incorporate amplifiers and repeaters, they do not allow simultaneous communication among connected devices.
The latest technology in connecting ethernet devices are with the use of switch.
One difference between a Simple Gear train with Same Size Gears and Simple Gear Train with Different Size Gears is the that the number of rotations of both shafts in the Simple Gear Train with Same Size Gears is the same the number of rotations of both shafts in the simple Gear Train with Different Size Gears are different
A simple gear train is one in which each shaft has only one shaft, and the motion of one shaft in transmitted to the other when the gears are in contact
All of this above.
All the mentioned practices can be use to prevent breaches.
a.the number of cycles per second
The frequency of a sine wave is defined as the number of cycles per second.
Frequency is the inverse of the time period. The frequency of a sine wave is given by 1/TimePeriod . It is generally expressed in units of Hertz(Hz) or sec^-1. Larger the time period, lower will be the frequency and vice versa. So for higher frequency waves we need to ensure that the time period is small.
=(Happy)&(Birthday) this is how it would be formatted