1. I felt butterflies in my stomach as we turned down the winding road.
2. It was the first time I had ever seen a ferris wheel in person.
3. The lights dazzled me as I anxiously waited in line.
4. Finally, I heard "Next!"
5. I strapped myself in, and before I knew it, I was high in the night sky.
6. The breeze in my face felt incredible, and I wanted to ride again.
Dr. Naismith first planned to bring outdoor games inside, but they were too physical and cumbersome.
Eliminate repeated words.
Other comments:
'Two' is a number. 'Too' means extra or more than expected-- too many, too much, too late. . .
Two should not be too many to count!
Also be careful to use correct verb forms (planned) (were) to express past tense.
The poem is about the toilet humor, and the satire is seen on the upper-class woman in the dressing room with her constant efforts to make her beautiful.
She takes five hours to beautify herself. Ideally, this is satirical.
The iron is seen when a man visits a prostitute but fails to perform.
However, he supposedly questions Swift and says that Montagu's knowledge lies on prostitutes.
The poem, therefore, is generally ironical and malicious since it targets specific people within the setting.
c. people are more likely to follow those who lead by example, not force.
People that have overpowering personalities are sometimes had to work with because they can be difficult to work with.
The answer is simile because they use the word like