The ability to own property is only available to free people. For example, in the early 1800's a slave could not own property.
see below for long answer short answer: everyone gets to decide
This is simple based off of your opinions. Democracy gives "The people" a vote even though now in the U.S with the electoral colleges and such you don't really have a vote. Democracy was created for the benefit of the people of Greece then it spread throughout the world. It has proven t work very well.
25th Amendment
Congress passed the 25th Amendment in 1965 to change a portion of Article II, Section I of the United States Constitution. The amendment aimed to answer several questions that can arise when a president or vice president dies or becomes incapacitated.
The British forced many US sailors to serve in the British navy
The British stopped US merchant ships from sailing to France
A thesis statement is a part of the introductory paragraph of an essay. It is also called a map statement because it should tell the read where your paper is going and what it is going to cover