1.The expanded role of the federal government ended with the Depression.
The Answer is D. "...a person or group of people who gain too much power can start making decisions that don't benefit all of society"
This answer pretty much explains exactly why separation of powers was necessary in order to ensure that no one branch can take absolute control of a country or have the most power.
The geography of the land
In the US, presidential elections are democratic elections that are decided by the people.
After the end of the World War II, two of Japan's most industrialized cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were in ruins. Other port cities had already been heavily bombed.
Disease, poverty and crime were rampant. The Japanese government took great measures in uplifting it's people in the coming decades. By the 1960's, Japan's economy was one of the fastest growing in the world.
By the 1980s, Japanese exports grew to dominate world trade as major corporations such as Sony and Toyota became household names.
Today, Japan was the highest life expectancy in the world. One of the best healthcare systems, one of the lowest street crime rates and the highest number of millionaires in the world.