The three States are:
1. Michigan
2. Ohio
3. New Hampshire
These States often receive the most expensive and targeted campaigns during elections since they are considered as 'Swing States'
Unlike 'Safe States' which are generally inclined towards one party, Swing States have a history of changing sides and voting for someone new in every election.
One year they might support a democratic candidate, while in another, they might side with the Republicans. Since it is extremely difficult to predict what they will do, and their decision plays a huge role in who wins the election, they are called 'swing States' and receive a lot of attention.
La corrupción política o Malpolítica es el uso de poderes por parte de los funcionarios del gobierno o sus contactos en la red para un beneficio privado ilegítimo. Las formas de corrupción varían, pero pueden incluir soborno, cabildeo, extorsión, amiguismo, nepotismo, provincianismo, clientelismo, tráfico de influencias, corrupción y malversación.
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Because America was founded on a promise of freedom and the citizens of America still love the freedom and don't want communism where the people don't have freedoms.