KSA stands for the words Knowledge, Skills, and other skills. These words together refer to a set of characteristics required of a candidate for governor of the United States. The KSA is evaluated along with the candidate's curriculum to determine who is the most appropriate person for this position.
In the USA it is considered that to be a candidate for government it is very important that the individual has a great curriculum, experience and high levels of knowledge, skills and other skills (KSAs).
One advantage is that if successful, all the money goes to you. If you're a huge company with shareholders, then the people and the investors get some of the money the company makes. In a sole proprietorship, everything goes to you and then you can choose what to do with it.
An authoritarian system of one-person rule is called dictatorship
Change or rotate the nine drawing set
The client in the question has brain damage and is not able to utilize the sensory motor skills, (here, visual) appropriately due to the damage to the brain.
Thus chances are that on undergoing the test, while being presented with the set of nine drawings, he may change or rotate the set of the drawing.
Bender-Gestalt Test:
It is a psychological test performed on the patients with sensory motor deficits by the clinical.
It assesses the functioning of the visual motor, neurological impairment and delay in developmental processes.
Answer: Crime, Equal opportunity for all, health, hunger, poverty,
Poor education, Agricultural development