Experiment Title: Does soil pH affect the color of tomato fruits?
A. Thesis statement: A high soil pH yields red tomatoes.
Set up: 9 pots each filled with soil of varying pH will be used in this experiment. The pots will be assigned into three groups: The control group will contain soil that has a neutral pH, the basic group will contain soil that has a pH greater than 7, and the acidic group will contain soil that has a pH lesser than 7.
The amount of water and sunlight received by the groups should be equal to eliminate other factors that could possibly affect the color variations. By keeping these factors the same, color variation would solely depend on the pH of the soil.
Control Group: It is necessary to keep the soil pH of the neutral group to be exactly 7. By making it neutral, we would be able to know what the natural color is exhibited by the tomato fruits.
The dependent variable in this experiment would be the color exhibited by the tomato fruits. The color exhibited is believed to be dependent on the pH of the soil. By having three samples each with varying pH, it is expected that there will be color variation.
Data Collection:
When the tomato plants bear fruits, determine the color of the fruits produced from each group. Create a table with two columns: the first column would be the group where the fruit belongs and the second column would be the color exhibited. Compare the data gathered from the three groups.
Data analysis:
A scenario which will support your hypothesis would be: the group which contained the basic soil produced red tomatoes. The neutral group produced orange tomato fruits while the acidic group produced yellow tomato fruits. It was found out that the higher the soil pH, the fruit color takes on a redder hue whereas if the pH keeps on going down, the fruit takes on a yellow a hue.
Dampak negatif manusia terhadap lingkungan adalah:
Kelebihan penduduk, polusi, pembakaran bahan bakar fosil, dan penggundulan hutan. Perubahan seperti ini telah memicu perubahan iklim, erosi tanah, kualitas udara yang buruk, dan air yang tidak dapat diminum.
Dampak positif manusia terhadap lingkungan adalah:
Melindungi spesies yang terancam punah dan membersihkan danau dan laut memiliki efek positif terhadap lingkungan. Di rumah, Anda dapat membantu planet ini dengan mendaur ulang limbah dan menanam tanaman atau sayuran.
The consequences will depend on the type of mutation. For example, if the mutation is synonymous it will not have negative effects on the cell function. On the other hand, if the mutation produces amino acid diversity it may cause loss of function
Primase is an RNA polymerase that adds RNA nucleotides to the complementary DNA strand in order to prepare it for the RNA polymerase III during transcription initiation
In many regions, wetlands have been filled in so as to be able to use the land for farming. Wetlands are vital for reducing the intensity of floods, as they tend to hold back some of the water. Without wetlands, flood will tend to wash increased sediment and pollutants into the ocean, which can have a detrimental effect on marine life. Coastal developments can also have a negative effect on marine life. The removal or moving of beach sand is in particular damaging to intertidal organisms that depend on specific coastal environments, and rocky shores can be smothered by sand, whereas sand environments can change into bare rocky environments. Impounding of rivers and reduced river flow can result in estuaries becoming closed. Many marine organisms, such as fish, depend on estuaries as nursery areas where they lay their eggs. Reduced opening of estuaries means that many fish species cannot reproduce. Built harbours result in changed currents and alteration of the sea floor, which also disrupts marine ecosystems.