Because percentage is the numerator divided by the denominator of a fraction times one-hundred, we can set up this equation:

Now, we cross multiply.

Next, we divide both sides by 0.55 to get x by itself.
x = 60
So, 33 is 55% of 60.
Option B.
Step-by-step explanation:
The non-uniform probability is when the event is not same in the occurring of event.
Option A is uniform because there will be equal chance of getting head or tail.
Option B is non-uniform because sum can be any number if we get(3,4) it will be 7 and if we have (2,3) then it will be 5.
Option C is uniform because we have equal number of red and green balls so, selecting a ball from both will be same.
Option D is uniform because chance of 1,2,,3,4,5 or 6 will be equal chance from rolling a die that is 1/6 in all cases.
Therefore, Option B is correct

Step-by-step explanation:

First, multiply both sides by -4. You must also change the inequality sign since you are multiplying both sides by a negative number.

Subtract 1 from both sides.

Y int.: (0,-1.2)
X int.: (-0.7,0)
10% of 65
Of means multiply
=0.1 x 65
Or you can use another way which is (part/whole) *(percent/100)
And part(part of 65)=unknown
(X/65)* (10/100)
Cross multiply
x= 6.5
So 10% of 65 is 6.5