The two natural factors are.
Rainfall and river
The two man made factors are
Canal and tube wells
The answer would be B.mountain buildings because uplift is associated with natural makings of the earth
Venus the second planet, rotates once every 243 Earth days. What's more, Venus rotates backwards from the direction of its orbit around the Sun, as do Uranus and tiny dwarf planet Pluto. Uranus even lies down on the job, rolling around with its axis of rotation pointed nearly toward the Sun.
The answer is the Geography Hypothesis.
The geography hypothesis holds that the differences in prosperity that are found around the world are due in large part to forces of nature, like the differences in geography, climate, and ecology that are evident in different regions of the world. The geography hypothesis emphasizes how the natural environment can explain why some nations are more prosperous than others. In contrast, the institutions hypothesis emphasizes the influences that are made and caused by humans. Human poverty is largely man-made in the institutions view.