Snow in Kenya is not a particularly common sight, given that the east Africa country sits right on the equator and has vast stretches of semi-desert scrubland. And yet, there is one spot where you can always find snow in Kenya.
Mount Kenya is the tallest mountain in Kenya, and the second highest in all of Africa. Only Tanzania's Mount Kilimanjaro towers higher. The top of Mount Kenya is perpetually snow-covered due to the high elevation. In fact, the Meru people call the mountain "Kirimara", which translates from their language to "that which has white stuff", in reference to the white peaks.
C. Wood
Wood is a renewable resource since we can use the seeds and sapling to grow more trees, and the more trees the more of the resource of wood that we have.
the police have good reasoning
Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and Antarctica are the 5 continents the Eastern Hemisphere. Sometimes Europe and Asia are listed as a single continent called Eurasia.
The original boundary between the states of Nebraska and Iowa was the Missouri River. The border departs from the river channel because the river's course moved eastward many years after the boundaries were established.
The boundary between Nebraska and Iowa was the Missouri River. In 1877, the river course moved, and a town called Carter Lake on the Iowa side is now on the Alaska side. Even though Alaska claimed the land, the Supreme Court stated that the area belongs to the state of Iowa. That is why the boundary departs from the river channel.